Our Old House

We're newlyweds in an 1875 Victorian fixer-upper in St Paul, MN. Let the chaos ensue!

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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Monday, April 16, 2007

April Update

As I have been told by many folks, this blog hasn't been updated in a while. The primary reason for that is that we really haven't been doing that much. John had spring break the first week of April and we did a really good job of making a list of the 19 projects we'd like to get done this summer. And really not many of them are easy projects. We have succeeded on a few since we made the list, and here's the skinny on those.

Remember a few months back my writing on how freakishly impulsive I was and bought a porch swing at an auction? Well, John got it hung last night:
I was personally worried about having the swing in front of a picture window, but John did a great job making sure that even with an aggressive swing, the window wouldn't be broken. (Please ignore the rest of the mess on the porch!)

The other big project that we did was put the built in bookcase in. Originally we were going to do this on the bedroom side of the bath/bedroom wall. However, it was determined after a few months of living with it, that the storage was more important in the bathroom. So, down went the sheetrock in the bathroom (and has yet to be really repaired), and up it went in the bedroom. Here's the current status of things:

Bathroom side: new in-the-wall storage (hard to photograph... it's behind the bathroom door!)

Bedroom side: a solid wall! Hurray!

Other than that, the house is in good condition. We're hoping to scrape and paint the rest of the house and porches this summer, in addition to putting up all the trim in the "new" part of the house. Anyone want to help? :-)


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