Happy belated Valentines Day to you all! I hope you all had a great day... John and I had our share of ups and downs.
Over John's lunch hour, his 2nd graders managed to get wet playing on the playground. The stench of wet kids got almost ridiculous... and then it was discovered that a Porta Potty near the playgound had tipped over, mixing its contents with the melting snow. Yum. Ecoli. Needless to say, all of the kids clothes were bundled up and a note sent home.
I, meanwhile, had the pleasure of having one of my bariatric patients make it out of her room to her first gym treatment since her admission a month ago. She was glowing at seeing some walls other than those in her room. And she's a social butterfly, and so that chatter in the gym greatly increased.... surrounding adult Valentine activities. It was a clean discussion... just... festive. :)
We had reservations at The Lexington, a supper-club type restaurant with no windows and lots of dark hardwood. We were greeted by cozy warmth as we stepped inside, out of the arriving artic blast. The air was filled with the slightly cheesy duet of an accordian and violin. The two performers obviously have done this gig before, finding the Valentines Day regulars and playing at their tables. Couples of all ages were there - high schoolers to grandparents. The food was great, and we were stuffed silly as we made our way back home at 10p. We were exhausted... since when has 10p become "late"?!?!
Much of our conversation was around our family and friends. Know that we were thinking of you all!
PS. As followup to the previous post... I did have a conversation with our contractor. I was worked up and my voice cracked as I tried to calmly voice my disapproval of the progress. He then proceeded to outline the next week's worth of activities... the exact same plan he gave us for last week - and I called him out on it. Well, it must have had some impact because he has been here for the last 2 days, and has made some progress. Thank. Goodness. The cold snap that's coming isn't going to be as bad as predicted, more good news for our checkbook....