Our Old House

We're newlyweds in an 1875 Victorian fixer-upper in St Paul, MN. Let the chaos ensue!

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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update on Fall

Hello all!

So sorry that the Fall completely got away from me. Winter has arrived in Minnesota this last week. We had 70s as recently as 10 days ago... but the coin has flipped, and we've been waking up to white stuff on the car almost every day. It has been melting off, but we all know that won't last for much longer!

The fall was very busy with various projects: campaigning for the Democrats (hurray, hurray on the outcome of that!), trip to Virginia for Becky, car trip to South Dakota for both, 3 weddings (one in Texas), ending of a PT student clinical, several Gopher football games, and WICKED at the Orpheum last Wednesday. Not to mention completion of some outdoor house projects, preping the house for winter, craft completion, and the usual work stuff. Whew! My brother taught me how to knit last week... no rest of learning for the weary!

For those that would like to see John's only play this school year, Anansi the Spider, it is playing at 7p on 11/18 & 19 at Lincoln Elementary in Anoka. Email me if you'd like to carpool.

We are looking into taking the plunge of buying another car. So far in the running are Toyota Corolla and Matrix. Unfortunately it seems like the premium cost of buying a hybrid does not pay off in equal gas savings over the life of the car. Maybe the financial crisis will balance that out.... if you have other suggestions of vehicles to look at, drop me a line.

Since it's unlikely that I'll write again before Thanksgiving, I wish you all the best for the beginning of the holiday season. We are thankful for all that you all have done for us over the last year. You all are truly the best gifts that we can recieve.

Stay warm! :-)