Christmas Letter 2008
Warmest wishes this holiday season, as we hope this letter finds you well. It has been another wonderful year on our end, as we have shared new experiences and taken on new challenges. Between the house, travel, and work, we have made 2008 a very busy year!
Our house on Michigan Street has brought us many headaches over the years, but it seemed like 2008 was our best year in the house. In January we found that we had a hole in our second floor ceiling that was leaking air into our attic, which was the main cause for the house being so cold. It was also shocking that we didn’t have insulation on the second floor at all! So with that fixed, and the asphalt slab removed and replaced with a brick driveway, our nightmare house is becoming our dream home. We plan to work on the 20 years of finishing touches next, but we do look forward to them.
Our travels this year have taken us across the country. We both went to Nashville this spring and got to see some of the “South,” including the emergency room! Becky went to Georgia to work on a vestibular certification, which is the study of balance and the inner ear. She was there for a week of learning, but didn’t see much of Atlanta due to her studies. John was busy traveling this year as well, as he went on a baseball tour of 6 cities in 7 days with his older brother Michael. Becky was also east in Virginia this year having a “Girls weekend” with her friends from PT school. We have spent time camping and visiting South Dakota on mini-trips, but we look forward to March when we both have spring break off. It may be a trip to Roseville this year with the economy, but at least we’ll travel together!
Becky has been busy with work on Fairview’s Acute Rehab. She mentored 3 students this past year. The days are busy, the patients challenging, and her coworkers great friends. She returned to Ofstead as a research associate – her old college job. She enjoys the challenge and spontaneity of the work, not to mention her fabulous team!
John is working hard for his 5th grade classroom this year. However, he has made attempts to cut back. He directed two plays, was nominated for a teaching award, taught summer school, and is teaching afterschool classes now. He still loves going to work, and his green and gold hair will prove it (see the Shutterfly pics)!
Stay healthy and warm, as we keep you all in our thoughts this holiday season. We hope you had a wonderful 2008, and we are excited about spending 2009 in your company.
All our best,
Becky & John Horton