Desparately in need of an update!
Sorry to those that have been trying to keep up with us for nearly the past year on this Blog. The truth of the matter is that our life got pretty intense for a while there, and I'm sure will get more so soon enough!
We were struggling through infertility. We've been trying to start our family for years now, and we finally got hooked up with the Reproductive Medicine Center at Fairview. About the time our posts stopped, we were getting poked, prodded, loaded up with all different kinds of hormones, procedures completed, and it finally all came to a head with IVF this summer.
Luckily, were were blessed with success on the first round with a pregnancy that is now 10 weeks old! On October 2nd we got to see the first pics of our future child. Yesterday we had our first appointment with a midwife where it was confirmed that we have an active little bugger (doing lots of squirming and backflips), and that there is just one in there (2 embryos were transferred). We didn't get any new ultrasound pics this week, but here are the ones from week 8:
The "close-up" - bottom near the top, head pointing down

A view of the spine (the black line down the middle)

A heartbeat! 167 bpm!

We are very excited as we watch our family grow, one day at a time. Estimated date of arrival is May 14, 2010!
We were struggling through infertility. We've been trying to start our family for years now, and we finally got hooked up with the Reproductive Medicine Center at Fairview. About the time our posts stopped, we were getting poked, prodded, loaded up with all different kinds of hormones, procedures completed, and it finally all came to a head with IVF this summer.
Luckily, were were blessed with success on the first round with a pregnancy that is now 10 weeks old! On October 2nd we got to see the first pics of our future child. Yesterday we had our first appointment with a midwife where it was confirmed that we have an active little bugger (doing lots of squirming and backflips), and that there is just one in there (2 embryos were transferred). We didn't get any new ultrasound pics this week, but here are the ones from week 8:
The "close-up" - bottom near the top, head pointing down

A view of the spine (the black line down the middle)

A heartbeat! 167 bpm!

We are very excited as we watch our family grow, one day at a time. Estimated date of arrival is May 14, 2010!