I actually wrote this yesterday... but forgot to post it! Oops!
It’s official. On the local news today, it was announced that our Minnesota winter is 16 degrees warmer than normal. For those of you fussing, you’ll have to stop now. The bad news is, that normally we’ll have to pay to heat the house 16 more degrees. Ikes.
Also from the local news, a new machine that fills potholes with the labor of one person was featured. It will clean, oil, fill and compact the hole while someone sits inside the vehicle controlling the robot arm. Only in Minnesota is something like this featured on the news.
This afternoon I got out of work a little early because it was a bomb of a day (AKA, no work to do for the last hour). Luckily, my unofficial boss of the floor told me to just take off. The good news, I got to see some rays of sunshine while riding home. The bad news, I got to see a family of young children with toy guns on the train. I’m not sure whether this makes me conservative or liberal… but I strongly disagree with toy guns. Guns are not toys. Period. And to see kids from 2-8 years of age (my guess) pointing guns at each other and certain members of other races on the train, smiling and laughing while the artificial noises rang out… it was enough to get me disgusted.
There are many differences that have come out between John and I and our cleaning styles. We have had dishes piling up for a couple of days and John insisted on doing them. So, I let them continue to pile up. He has his own method of doing dishes – running water and scrubbing with a sponge. I, instead, empty the sink, let some items soak (especially when it’s been a few days) and then scrub them. John was being frustrated by a dried piece of food, so I suggested he let it soak a little… the look on his face told me to go and finish the laundry. And so, I did. J
By the way, where do guys learn the habit of leaving clean laundry in the laundry basket? I know that John isn’t the only one that would prefer to do it. I know his early home training was otherwise, but he managed to pick up the bad habit somewhere…
Oh well. That’s all for today!
PS. We saw our first mouse tonight. Kinda surprised it took this long. Thank goodness for Decon.